My Philosophy of Care and Vision for My Practice

Much of my motivation to contribute to the empowerment of individuals and groups was cultivated by people who dedicated their lives striving for justice and speaking truth to power. I learned from them that empowerment begins with a personal recognition of one’s worthiness of love and respect and acknowledgement of one’s resiliency and other personal strengths.

For those who have experienced psychological trauma—that is, an overwhelming emotional experience from which recovery is difficult—it may seem impossible to feel worthy of love and respect. It may also seem impossible to trust one’s self and others enough to engage in mutually gratifying relationships. Trauma can result from events involving loss, grief, hurtful relationships, accidents, catastrophic health conditions, interpersonal violence, war, and natural disasters. We are learning increasingly more about trauma that results from structural racism and the effects of that racism on the health and well-being of persons of color in the United States and the effects of racial trauma transmitted intergenerationally.

My contribution to the healing process, whether it be my assistance of a client’s recovery from trauma or from other kinds of problematic emotional or mental challenges, is fourfold: It is trauma-informed, healing-centered, strength-based, and solution-focused. I help clients identify their most important issues, prioritize problems, and identify and maximize their strengths to find solutions.

I recognize that one of the most critical aspects of effective psychotherapy is the formation of a strong bond between client and psychotherapist. I approach psychotherapy as a collaborative healing process, and I make every effort to establish a strong, therapeutic bond based on mutual respect and trust.

As I engage with my clients, I am aware of certain qualities shared by all human beings, three of which have particular importance. One quality is the body’s capacity for self-healing. Another quality is the interrelatedness of the mind, body, and spirit: what affects one, positively or negatively, will affect the others. Yet another quality is the interrelationship of our individual self with our social context. We are affected, for example, by our interactions with our family members and the communities with which we closely identify, such as ethnic, racial, LGBTQ+.

My vision for my practice is to engage with my clients in ways that they feel truly seen, heard, and respected. I am committed to strengthening their empowerment, self-compassion, and self-confidence.

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